Is It a Good Idea To Serve Completely Vegan Wedding Menu?

Wedding Catering en Ville

Our Toronto catering company has faced such a situation many times, and in this article we’d like to explain how to make the right choice.

Trying to satisfy everybody’s dietary wishes at your wedding is losing battle from the beginning – especially if your own food preferences do not match with preferences of your family and friends. It is understandable that you don’t want the guests to leave the party on your special day hungry. Though, as experts in wedding catering know, it is always very difficult to talk somebody non-vegan into vegetarian or vegan menu. And here you have to make a hard choice.

As much as your wedding party style should correspond with your vegan lifestyle, it also should show your love for your family and friends, for the people that are dear to you. That’s why, if it is to be a strictly vegan menu, it would be better to take into account the guests list. Do the parents of your fiancé usually opt for rare filet mignon when you are in a restaurant together? Then you may think of serving some meat, in order to please the future in-laws.

But if a vegan lifestyle is extremely important for your wedding and most of the guests are not new to it and respect it, you shouldn’t bother about a vegan menu. Nevertheless, as specialists in wedding catering in Toronto recommend, it’s necessary to inform the guests of the food options before the special day and explain shortly why you wish your guests to embrace this decision.

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